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The Macon MEANS organization was formed in 2012 as a regular cancer support group out of the need for support services for cancer survivors in a community without a hospital and limited medical facilities.  The organization further identified a need for education regarding cancer related topics and for connecting the community to resources to promote healthy outcomes.

In 2016, the name Macon M.E.A.N.S. For Cancer Support was adopted and formed as a non-profit 501(c )3 organization

What M.E.A.N.S Means 

We are non-profit cancer support organization committed to empowering our community by providing mentorship education advocacy, nutrition and support services to connect people to resources to improve quality of life. 

Our Mission

Making MEANS, a non-profit cancer support
organization committed to empowering our
community by providing mentorship education
advocacy, nutrition, and support services to connect
people to resources to improve quality of life.

mm computer.jpg
Our Mission

Our Vision

 The MM organization was formed in 2012 as a regular cancer support group out of the need for support services for cancer survivors in a community without a hospital and limited medical facilities.  The organization further identified a need for education regarding cancer-related topics and for connecting the community to resources to promote healthy outcomes in an effort to improve quality of life and promote healthy outcomes.

We Need Your Support Today!

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